Ferrari 355 348 Modial 3.4 T Clutch Disc – 138979 157756
Sale Description:
The customer is required to ship the Old Clutch Disc
"if applicable" Flywheel and/or Pressure plate to us for refurbishing.
The F355 Flywheel service is subject to labor and additional parts that will be assessed at the time we have the full bell housing.
We will email an additional estimate for the parts and labor for the Flywheel and all needed parts.
Clutch Disc Relining
Part number 157756 was found in the following part catalogs:
355 (2.7 M)
355 (5.2 M) clutch
Clutch - Single Disc
Part number 138979 was found in the following part catalogs:
Ferrari 348
348 (1993) TB / TS
Clutch - Single Disc
348 (2.7 M)
Clutch and Controls
Ferrari Mondial
Mondial 3.4 T Coupe/Cabriolet
Single Disc Clutch